Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Daniel was named by my ex-wife Carol after the character Daniel Jackson on Stargate. It was her favorite show. I would never have named such a lovely cat, Daniel, or even an ugly one for that matter. But the cat was gotten for her in response to the sudden death of Kitty, her cat of 8 years.

Daniel, as my photo's show, was born very small. The aemoba's living in his stomach were robbing him of to many nutrients, but we got that fixed right away and he grew. Let me tell you though, those first couple weeks were disgusting with Daniel's non stop farting and horrible diahrea.

Daniel was always my cat. He connected to me to the point where Carol wanted me to stop being nice to him or picking him up. He always wanted to be with me and not her. He must have known I was the one who bought him.

After Carol and I divorced, like any child of divorce, Daniel started acting out. He would pee and shit all over her condo. She finally gave up and gave him to me and to this day Daniel has never had a bathroom related issue.

We spend our days cuddling. Daniel likes to sit on my stomach, or my shoulder and during the cold months he can be found under the covers with me between my legs purring.

Daniel likes to chase his pink "baby" and darts from the dart gun I bought. He also likes to scrape the litter out of the litter box after he uses it, causing me lots of clean up time.

Daniel is also the type of cat who adores strangers. If he has never met you that means as soon as you sit down he will be purring in your lap.

Daniel is a gift from the Cat Gods. I love him.

He is like Zoe's son. She cares for him and cleans his ears, and he snuggles up with her and purrs. They are an inseparable pair.

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