Monday, November 21, 2011

Age of Enlightenment

At what age do we become enlightened? And at what cost? I've saved my whole life for just one moment, that moment which comes in a dream or at the end of an outrageous and ill-timed orgasm with a stranger! Am I any more aware now typing than I was sleeping. If I'm still sleeping then when, oh when my dear Muse, will I awaken once again?

New Found Glory

There is a place, where like minded people can come together regardless of age, race, color or creed.  A place like no other place, when all other places have been placed in some other random place. Strip off your clothes and empty your mind.  Shower in the rain and perfume your body in the dirt. Like a cross between Burning Man and Hannukah, this place is beyond the cosmic belt. It lies beyond the here and now and knows nothing of yesterday or tomorrow.  The path of least resistance is the road toward such an amazing place. 

But what is this place and when will we arrive......

Dr. Teeth and the crew jam on the Muppet Show.

Writer by day, Muppet band member by night.

Contents Under Pressure From the Patriot Act

Seems like my old friend Bush is still hot on my trail. Between branding cattle and attempting to start another war he has sent my old friends from the FBI to pay me another visit. 

I'll admit I see their concern with my starting another blog, especially since this one won't involve golf stats or recipe's for my favorite bread pudding, but does this blog constitute a violation of the Patriot Act?

I guess we shall see.