Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday Letters From Fans and Not....

Here is another edition of fanmail.....

Dear Doctor Teeth-

I found you on Craigslist and was hoping it would be under the man seeking man section, but not a chance. I am very disappointed but hope one day you'll want to "hook up" with me.

James Cargill
LaGrange Illinois

Dear Teeth-

You're fucking weird man.  I love it.  Keep it up.

Glen Ellyn Illinois

Dear Doctor Teeth-

It has always been my fantasy to have sex with a muppet.  I wonder how your furry hands would feel on my body.  I know I'm cray cray, but you turn me on.  I hope you like the pic.

Carol Stream Illinois

Yes Jenna I would like to turn you on. I have sent you my phone number.  See you soon.

Dear Doctor Teeth-

You posted a picture of my fucking girlfriend you muppet cocksucker.  You're a fucking dead man.  And your blog is stupid assed shit.  Get a life.

Trevor Meaner
Niles, Illinois