Well it has arrived again. Nothing any sane man can do about it. Christmas. What do love most about Christmas? It marks the end of non stop holiday music, mad dashes to the stores for gifts and groceries, and the end of the "gimme gimme" attitude that possesses so many starting the day after Thanksgiving.
It's also hard to deny the joy of watching little children getting so excited about the gifts that Santa brought them. Its a magical time in their lives when they believe in magic, and have no clue as to who Santa really is and how hard he/she works each day to save money to make those dreams come true.
Christmas is also a good time for families to spend together laughing and eating and telling stories about days gone by.
Its especially great this year because its 43 degrees and not a drop of snow. Its like its still October.
Tomorrow it'll be like Christmas never existed. The radio stations who crammed yuletide music down my throat and up my ass will be back to playing Taylor Swift and Celine Dion.
Then we start looking toward New Years Eve, a night so depressing to the single and lonely, it may be the end of a year for good, while to others its the eve of starting a new year, with new chances and change.
I for one will be home alone, with the cats, praying that 2012 goes a lot smoother while asking my Higher Power what more I can do to improve my life and my sense of self satisfaction.
What a long strange trip it continues to be......