Call me bitter, call me angry, call me cynical.
But when I head about a bomb or two going off at the Boston Marathon, I didn't register any concern or compassion. I just thought to myself, "Ok, another act of random violence to hit America."
Random acts of cold blooded violence are becoming more normal and I am becoming more desensitized to them. It all started with 911. I think I used all of my shock and awe on 911 and the days following.
Then I started getting irritated. Not with the person or person's who did this, but with everyone else.
Immediately the facebook crowd all ran to facebook with their plastic and repetitive comments, "My prayers go out to the victims...." I swear I must have read that sentence like 100 times.
Then people started posting doctored photo's of candles with phrases like, "We are with you Boston.", or "Boston is in our hearts". Ugh, talk about taking advantage. Who immediately starts doctoring photo's for thousands to upload, or copy off each other?
Then of course the POTUS gives a small speech promising that justice will be served. (I'm still waiting for justice to be served for the Saudi's who committed 911)
Then of course we get the slew of celebrity tweets, because its not a tragedy if Justin Timberlake and Allysa Milano haven't chimed in.
Then there is the media with their lies, assumptions and all around misguided comments becuase they have to fill the network air with non-stop talk even though real evidence and truth won't be known for days.
We never expect bad things to happen in America to American's. Truth is it was going to happen one day, and after we continued to Tread on others and dictated their beliefs to them, and insulted their religions, what the fuck did we think was going to happen.
So I am sure Billy Joel is tuning up his piano and Bruce Springsteen is writing a quick song, or maybe the radio stations are playing more songs by the band Boston, but I'm sure every opportunist out there is working overtime to play this game.
And seriously that is what this has all become... a game.
Fuck Twitter
Fuck Facebook
Fuck the morons on the news
Fuck the empty prayers
Fuck the telethons
Fuck the presidents comments
Fuck the attitude that this doesn't happen to Americans.
And when we respond to it by having increased security around the country and have guard dogs sniffing my crotch at a train station, I know that the Taliban and Bin Laden continue to win! If not for 911 we wouldn't go into a panic everytime something happens.
Is the bombing horible? Of course.
Is it sad that lives are lost? Yes
But the American's robotic and well timed response to it all leaves me feeling like it's all just so insincere.
Well folks until the next national tragedy.....