Getting ready to admit to myself, the God and to another Human Being the exact nature of my wrongs. What that means is not what I did wrong, but what course of action or more importantly, thought, that led me to such action.
EXAMPLE: I call a woman a worthless whore.
STEP 5: Why did I call her that? What way of thinking led me to behave that way? What lies within me that resulted in me calling her that name?
So as I ready to admit the nature of my wrongs I decided to make a list of all my wrongs. And oh boy is it an ugly list. Take a day and put down every mean, hateful, illegal, immoral, etc, thing you have ever done in your life. When you're finished, look at the list and see what you come up with. See what trends there are. See how ugly your behavior can be from time to time over the course of your entire life. Its amazing what you learn about yourself once you get over how awful a person you seem on paper.
Then take that paper and read it aloud, read it to God and then go and divulge it to another human being. I highly recommend a therapist or priest. At least choose someone who isn't going to judge you or run for the hills with a shotgun and a restraining order.
Once you have done this move on. Let it go. Burn the paper you wrote it on so the FBI, CIA or Police can't use it against you in court. But you gotta let it go. I gotta let it go. I have discovered the ugly corners of myself and have brought them to the surface so the only thing left to do is to let it go.
But letting it go is two steps away, first I must become willing to let it go then I gotta ask God to remove these defects. Oh boy, God is going to have to clear his schedule that day for sure.