I am suprised that someone hasn't come along and rebooted that shitty STAR WARS franchise. I guess its because George Lucas clung to it like Gollum to the ring. But now that Disney has found a way to pry it from his cold dead fingers, maybe, although doubtful, the franchise will get a new lease on life.
I remember the first 10 seconds back in 1999 when The Phantom Menace started and realized, "Oh fuck this is going to suck!", staring at the screen watching these two Bishop looking Asian aliens talking through rubber masks. I knew we had waited 16 years for nothing.
Then we got Attack of the Clones, which is easily one of the worst movies ever made. But Revenge of the Sith did make a slight come back by giving us a dark and ugly, violent end to a shit saga.
After watching the latest 3 installments, I went back and watched the original 3, and let me tell you, as an adult I realized even those three movies sucked. Actually, to be honest, Empire Strikes Back was good. But the other two "original" movies were packed with poor pacing, bad acting, and bad writing. Jedi was like a fucking muppet show movie in space. I'm a muppet and even I am saying that.
I don't know if the new trilogy ruined the original, or if I just grew up and realized that as an adult these movies sucked. I certainly was obsessed with them as a child, and I always fucking hated Star Trek and that pussy fucking world.
And then Lucas, that fat fucking piece of shit cocksucker, went back and re-edited the original trilogy and it was then that I knew this was a communist pig fucking piece of self absorbed shit.
I couldn't believe what he did to the Max Reebo band, or that he edited in Hayden Christiansen into that final shot, although the other Jedi's who died reappear as they looked at death, nope, Anakin was the only one to reappear as he looked in his youth. (George Lucas was such a fuckhead that he actually created a flaw and/or logic error in the film)
I don't mind making the explosions look bigger, but the other shit was unforgivable.
If ever there was a filmmaker who hated his fans, its PigFace Lucas.
And now there is word that new films are being made. Whoopee, at least if they suck, they won't be Lucas bad, they'll just be bad. Or God forbid they might be good.
To focus on specific characters bums me out. Like turning Boba Fett into a Iron Man sort of trilogy would be bad news. Or a film about Yoda. To Sleep it put me will......
What they could do is interweave three stories each focusing on one character and blend them into a three picture scenario. That might be cool.
Or they can make a movie about how Lucas destroyed one of the most promising and popular franchises ever.
Hey I just realized its been more than a year since a Star Wars movie came out, shouldn't George Lucas be changing something....oh wait.....he doesn't fucking own them anymore. LOL!!!
Fuck you George.