Just got done watching THE PURGE where murder is legal for 12 hours, once a year. It appears as if that date is March 22nd.
Crime is way down and poverty is at an all time low and the economy is booming....why? We also get to kill illegal immigrants, etc... (NONE OF THIS IS COVERED IN THE FILM)
Because once a year we get to legally kill homeless people and down on their luck people, therefore the welfare system and other programs aren't taxed to death. (NOT COVERED IN THE FILM).
Here is a few fatal flaws in this movies ideology....
1. Like people are in control enough to keep their murderous rampage in check for 364 days a year. The gift with the Purge is that murder is legal, therefore you can't be charged. Well let me tell you there are plenty of unsolved murders every day, therefore many people get away with it anyway.
2. If you know someone wants to kill you and they don't succeed, how does that bode for your relationship with them the other 364 days of the year? If you wish to kill your boss and he finds out doesn't he just fire your ass?
3. If you wanna kill your spouse and don't succeed won't they just divorce you the next day?
4. Is rape legal? Is looting legal? If there are no Police or Fireman, etc., to stop you then what's to stop you? Does that mean theft and rape are legal once a year also?
5. Are we expected to believe that gang members and serial killers and abusive spouses are able to "keep it in their pants" for 364 days? I DON'T THINK SO....
6. There are so many crimes that don't involve murder, actually most don't, therefore how can crime be down?
There are so many flaws in this otherwise entertaining movie. If you accept the premise as the provocation for the rest of the film but don' think about it, then THE PURGE is scary, tense, fun.
But can we really overlook the logic the film is based on?