Friday, June 14, 2013

WANTED: Boss with Intelligence

Why is it that the dumb people seem to get to the top in America.  In your average work place it is the moron who gets promoted to manager and then they have no clue how to manage others.

It is very common for a person who has been with a company for many years to get promoted to manager, but just because you know the business doesn't mean you have people skills or managerial skills.  Just because you have written a schedule or know how to unlock the doors to the store doesn't mean your qualified to lead.

And when it comes to a restaurant, just because you own a restaurant doesn't mean you have restaurant experience.

Just because you own a business doesn't mean you have any experience in that business.

Its like buying a guitar and claiming you are the best guitar player in the world.  You need practice and time, and even then you may be only mediocre at best.

People with their ego's and their arrogance only serve to harm the workplace.

You should be a leader, but when you lead ineffectively you're subordinates not only don't to help the company, but in fact want to harm the company.

Mess with a person's money and they'll mess with your business.

A boss who is constantly making changes is a boss who doesn't know what they're doing.