Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mary Louise Parker: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Mary-Louise Parker

Real Me.....Not the Internet Version

So I met a woman recently and we had a great time speaking on the phone. 

I relayed my unhappiness with constant Texting and Facebook. Who knew years ago that one day we'd be doing most of our conversing with our thumbs.  I also told her that I have a rule that no one who knows me less than 6 months to a year will gain access to my Facebook Page nor my Blog.  Reason being is that in this day and age, we tend to want to define people based on what they write on FB or on their Blog.  That is the main reason I blog under a pseudonym; it allows me the freedom to explore and express thoughts and idea's that I may not want attributed to my writings.

Facebook is a whole other story.  We use Facebook to tell people how we feel at that moment, what we did that day or are doing at that moment, where we are, who we like and what our children look like.  We no longer have to pick up the phone to reach out. We just log on, anonymously, and get our updates.

Its such a shame that we have chosen to move further and further away from actually living life amongst others. 

We sit in restuarants on our phones, and our IPads and Gameboys.  And its not only the children, but the entire family.  There is no gathering of the minds to catch up on the days activities.

A TV show recently had a scene where the mom was calling her daughter downstairs for supper, and the girl came down annoyed and said, "Why didn't you just text me?!"  That is the world we live in now.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

I want to get to know people in person or at least via an actual conversation. I don't want to text, I don't want to Skype, I don't want to Twitter, and I don't want to live on Facebook.

Fuck at this point, I wish I had to get up to change the channel or still owned a Rotary Telephone.  They should make Rotary Cell phones.

Am I getting old! YES!
But I am also rejecting the current status quo of not having to talk to people or touch them anymore.

Wake Up People and Live, together!!!!!