Like most of you I hate my fucking job because my boss is a moron. I know, you also have a boss that is a moron and there appears to be an epidemic of moron's. There are so many morons that they now outnumber illegal Mexican's in the USA by a ratio of 4:1.
How did these morons get to be bosses in the first place? Well in my case my boss had the money to create a place that put her in charge. Its clear to my retarded friend who had his head run over ten times by a tractor that she doesn't know what she is doing. Stevie Wonder can see that my boss is a piece of shit with no competency.
Has the government prepared itself for the plague of morons that are taking over this nation? Oh wait, I forgot that the government is GROUND ZERO for these morons. If you're a moron you can't take care of the Moron Problem.
This may be the end of civilization as we know it. If the government decides to drop a nuke on the city to kill the onslaught of morons I will give them my bosses address so they can drop it on her ugly Frankenstein face.