Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Co-Dependency of Dr. Teeth

Things have been a bit rough lately.  I have lost my sponsor and rid myself of a toxic relationship.  The urge to use has never been so great.  My day job is stressful and I feel alone.  The urge to use is gaining power.

The other night someone asked me if I wanted a Vicodin and like a child in a toy store I eagerly agreed, almost begging.  I couldn't wait to get out of work and during the car ride home I was so excited to consume that painkiller.  Then I stopped.....

I suddenly realized then said to myself, "You know Doc, if you take that pill you've relapsed.  If you swallow any of it then 2 yrs and 5 months goes down the fucking toilet."  I was pleased but irked.  On one hand I realized I was about to make a mistake but on the other hand I realized there is nothing I can do to get around the fact that I cannot use drugs, no matter what.

I ended up at a meeting and smiled seeing some old friends in the program.  Before the meeting I collected all of my key-chain's from day Zero to Multiple Years.  I needed to look at them to remind myself of the journey I have been and continue to be.

Bad relationships or break ups are not an excuse to use. The loss of a sponsor is not an excuse to use.  A shit job is not an excuse to use.  I need to keep chanting to myself, "There is no excuse to use."

During a phone session with my therapist I replayed the recent tragedy that was my 8 week roller coaster relationship with Stella Blue.  I admitted that Stella, although badly damaged emotionally, hadn't done anything to me.  I was not a victim.  Nothing happened that I didn't allow to happen. And that was when I realized that she, the relationship and my co-dependency are the true Drug Addictions in my life.

Its easy to say NO to cocaine, but to a woman who needs me, or needs to be taken care of,: I'd snort that by the roomful.  I can never get enough of that drug.

The NA program doesn't care if I consume copious amounts of Stella Blue, but it sure cares if I drink a glass of wine.

Stella was my drug.  Even though I truly cared for her and wanted to be with her.  She was a drug.  And I became consumed with taking that drug.  I became consumed with holding that drug and wanting that drug.  I let common sense and self respect fly out the window all for this drug.  I spent the holiday with her and not my family because I went where the drug took me.

Stella, not really a drug, but a real person with beauty and mystery and a heart broken into more pieces than I could ever repair, was indeed my drug.  That is not her fault. Nor am I concerned with what is her fault.

What I need to realize is that relationships of a certain kind are drugs for me and I get high off them and behave like a pathetic addict.

It's a shitty reality, but it is real.

I miss her, but I don't miss the drug.

Another meeting.......