There comes a time when every little golden haired boy who has a rideable choo choo train in his home to grow up. Time when the arcade sized donkey kong game needs to be sold. Time when you realize that you don't want to be friends with the black kid anymore from the Pepsi commercial because not only do you HATE PEPSI, but you also hate black people.
Your Dad is in jail and bankrupt and your now fucking his secretary, which became his girlfriend and then his wife. But he's in jail so what the fuck does he know.
His accountant died of AIDS 20 years ago, and you thank God you didn't catch it as a result of that one night of curious experimentation.
You're pissed off that your best friend is now making funny movies while you barely register on the screen in straight to DVD Christian movies.
You had it all as a kid but now you have nothing. Absolutely nothing, save for a couple of silver spoons......
Yeah, Ricky life's a fucking bitch.