Now, not only should this dog be recognized with the Nobel Prize, but this young woman possessed my soul with the bravery through the challenges she faces on a day by day basis. My mother is Epileptic and my best friend has a Seizure Disorder, so when I met this girl I found myself desperate for answers to so many questions I have regarding what its like to live a life knowing that at any moment, on a daily basis, you're going to have a seizure. And she told me she has at least four a week ranging from Petite Mal and Grand Mal's to full out convulsions.
My heart went into overdrive with compassion and sadness for her. She is so young and beautiful and forced to endure such a heavy burden. But I realize that we all have burdens to endure, some bigger than others. But one thing we both agreed on was that trusting in God makes a big difference in how the battle is waged and how we feel about ourself and our worth.
She can't work, she can't drive, and she needs assistance in living day by day, yet to look at her, none of that is apparant, nor does it matter. She really is no different that you or I. She smiles, she has desires and she has dreams. I just hope she realizes that her dreams can come true and that she deserves every wish she wishes. Her life has purpose and meaning and she was put on this Earth for a reason that is purely special to her.
Of course she has had her moments of doubt and depression, but she just can't give up. I don't want her to give up. I want her to know she has life and is full of life. I want her to know that ten minutes of speaking with her touched my life so greatly. God wanted me to meet her. Why? To make me realize my own problems can be so small, or to make me understand the suffering of others. I also feel like she can help me help my best friend who seems so lost and victimized by his similar disease.
I pray to my Higher Power to help her see how beautiful life is and how much purpose she serves just by getting up each day and living life. And I want God to surround her with people who won't judge her or pity her. I want her to be surrounded by people who will pick her up when she falls, because she will fall. But she won't lose.
So, if you're reading this "J", just know that you touched my heart and I pray that you realize you are meant to be here and you weren't born to suffer. You were born to inspire.