Sunday, December 18, 2011

FACEBOOK: The New Drug or The New God?



Facebook has ruined it for all of us. We waste so much time on that fucking site updating our current mood and seeing what other people's current mood is. Who cares if I was wiping my ass at 2:15, but then at 4:15 I was at Starbucks? The control it has on us all makes me think its the new God. And our inability to now live in a Facebook free world makes me wonder if its the new Super Drug.

There are those few who live in caves or on the outskirts of town who don't have a Facebook account and I sit there listening in amazement to their stories wondering how they exist. When the walk, I look closely to make sure they don't have some third leg or hoof, or maybe a tail to reveal they are not human and therefore not subject to the mind-control that Facebook has over us.

Facebook has made it unnecessary to pick up the phone and call a friend or loved one. We can just anonymously log on and check up on them. I mean, who really wants to interact with the outside world? Sitting at home on facebook alone, is much like sitting alone with a few grams of cocaine. We have all we need right in front of us and when we close the curtains we can peer outside for a moment here and there and realize that life does exist outside the confines of our computers and phones.

Maybe I am more critical because I am older and remember a time when we didn't live online. I remember a time when four people sitting at a restaurant featured discussion, not four people looking down at that glowing screen in their laps as they eat dinner while checking facebook.

Facebook is like porn without the sex. Its addictive, and takes you out of reality and into a world where you can create a new reality. Change your name. Change your hometown. Change your job. Make shit up.

Soon my 20 year High School reunion is coming up and I see no purpose in going. Seeing as the people I am interested in keeping up with are my friends on facebook. I see what they look like, what their kids look like and what they are doing. Facebook has made the "reunion" obsolete.

How terrifying is it that a website has made human congregation and interaction obsolete?

Mark Zuckerberg was a loser who sat at home without friends geeking on his PC, and guess what, he has now made us all like him. 

He controls us.  We have even gone so far as to create Facebook pages hating facebook.  We have even created events where on a certain day we are all going to shut down our accounts, but no one ever does.

This millionaire fuck is laughing at us all.  Like Lennon when he said the Beatles were more popular that Jesus Christ, so now is Facebook, and to boot Jesus and God have facebook pages.

It's not to late to avoid armageddon.  We need to shut off the computers and talk to each other.  Could the Terminator really be true that there will be a Rise of the Machine's?  Oh wait that has already happened.

Looks like we already lost the war.  Ok, I gotta run, time to go update my facebook status, which I actually did while writing this piece.