Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dr. Teeth And The Blue Moon Beauty

Dr. Teeth has settled into a grand case of panic.  Its the type of panic that sets in when you're two hundred miles from home only to realize that the stove is on, the bathub water is running, the door is unlocked and the dogs haven't been fed. 

What set off this intense and insane emotional reaction?  I have my blog link to a complete stranger.  I was captivated by her smile, her dress and he voice.  I was intrigued by her comments about the church and her choice in beer.  I don't even remember mentioning my blob, but I must have because she asked for the link.  My ego took over and I gave it to her.  What have  I done?

As I drove home I thought of blogs regarding anal sex, cocaine binges, ex lovers, and the like.  For one moment I considered erasing everything I wrote.  For one moment I considered driving my car into a Taco Bell.

But the moment passed.  I told her what she'd read would not be PG.  But did that really explain what she should expect?

Oh impulsive thought you never seem to allude me. 

So my apologies to the Blue Moon Beauty! My written mind is more deranged than the person who leaves the house.

1 comment:

  1. My God the misspellings in the above post! No spell check on this blog I guess!
