Thursday, April 19, 2012

REJECTION: Sympathy for the Devil

re·jec·tion  (r-jkshn)
1. The act of rejecting or the state of being rejected.
We all know it sucks to be rejected, especially when we dig deep down and realize that aren't responsible for the rejection. But of course there are always two sides to everything so we probably are somehow responsible.
But regardless, rejection hurts.  It hurts bad.  It even hurts when we're rejected by someone we rejected ourselves.  It burrows itself into the depths of our self esteem and makes us feel worthless as well as question why we're worthless.
Suddenly our entire self worth gets put into the controlling hands of the person or person's who rejected us.  We get so wrapped up in feeling rejected that we don't stop to think that maybe it's not us who has been judged, but the person doing the judging who has something going on in their lives that we project on ourselves.
When someone doesn't talk to us we ask, "what did I do?", but in fact it may be something going on within their lives that has taken them from talking to us.
And if someone does indeed reject us; its not immediately US who are the problem, but maybe the person who rejects us is the problem.  Maybe their own insecurities or judgemental attitudes are at fault.  We may be accepted!
The thing to remember is not to get wrapped up in someone's rejection of us.  Does their opinion define us?  Does their opinion really matter if they are judging us?  The only person who shall judge me besides judges and juries is my HIGHER POWER.
My entire self worth is not defined by one person, no  matter how much it hurts to be rejected by them. 
I won't give them that much power.  They do not deserve that much power.

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