Monday, April 16, 2012

Violating The Patriot Act Which Violates Me!

So the library reports that the Patriot Act forces them to divulge what I check out and what I search for on the internet and that they are not allowed to tell me when or if they've been asked.

If I check out a book that red flags me, shouldn't the library be banned from carrying that book? Should that book not be burned?  Hmm sounds like Nazi behavior to me.

If I check out subversive internet sites, should the sites not already be blocked, or should the internet be taken down? Hmm, sounds like Nazi behavior to me.

George Bush really did it this time, creating an ACT that allows the government to spy on me and probe my privacy. 

Well OK, so a whole bunch of government people voted YES without even reading it.
Well OK, so we let 911 turn us into a bunch of obsessively scared citizens.
Well OK, its no problem to spy on me as long as you can rest assured I am not Bin Laden.

And boy how our country has fallen apart since 911 and the Bush Dictatorship of 8 years. And how it gets even worse with Obama driving a car without a license.

I know it sounds messed up, but sometimes I think the lucky ones are those who died on 911.  Or at least anyone who died before.

What have we become?
Where are we going?
What will we be when we get there?

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