Ok let me start off by saying the I do believe Al Queda and Bin Laden were involved with 911, but thats about where it begins and ends.
Yes, 2 planes tore through those buildings.
Yes, thousands died.
But thats where my acceptance of that day ends.
Years after the attacks between Michael Moore and assorted other documentaries and by applying physics to the scenario we can deduce that those buildings couldn't have fallen as a result of the planes crashing into them.
3 buildings fell that day and all three fell in the exact same manner as "controlled demolition".
How is it that each tower fell, floor by floor, on top of itself?
What are those puffs of smoke blowing out certain windows as the towers fell?
How is it possible that the towers fell at free fall speed?
How do we explain the janitor in the underground garage who was burning before the first plane even hit?
“The explosion….at first we believe it came from the mechanical room and then we heard a series of other explosions that sounded up on the above levels of the building,” said Saltalamacchia.
Saltalamacchia then discusses how a man ran into the office with his skin hanging off. William Rodriguez had previously described the same scenario following basement level explosions and it was also seconded by another eyewitness, Kenneth Johannemann, an employee of ABM janitorial services.
How do we explain countless firefighters recounting explosions heard before the towers fell?
“There was an explosion….the third explosion the whole lobby collapsed on us,” states the firefighter. Asked “was that a secondary explosion,” he responds, “yes it was ….definitely secondary explosion”.
Another firefighter then confirms that there were at least three explosions which caused the lobby to collapse.
The only way to explain what firefighters described as “molten steel, like you’re in a foundary, like lava” being witnessed following the collapse of the towers was if powerful additional incendiary devices were used to take down the buildings.
There are so many questions I could pose, but its overwhelming. Do your research people and don't take the 911 Commissions take on things.
Somethings are definitely being covered up. And there were others involved.
Who were they and what did they stand to gain.
Remember that Michael Moore showed us that Bush and the Bin Ladens stood to profit from 911 due to their investments in the Carlyle Group.
Why did we attack IRAQ after 911 instead of going after Bin Laden in Pakistan?
This whole situation stinks like shit.
Reject what you heard and question what you think you know.
And when you figure it out. Keep quiet or they too might come after you!!!!
I know I sound a bit crazy, but the lies are astounding. Do your homework.
Now back to the Fact of Life............
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