Here is the footage...
Now I watched the footage then went to Wikipedia to look up the definition of "collapsed"...
1. To fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.
2. To break down suddenly in strength or health and
thereby cease to function.
Bob techically collapsed if you want the story to sound scandalous and are trying to draw readers. But in reality Bob fell down. Now from reports of Bob's performance as well as Phil Lesh's claim that Bob hurt his shoulder would indicate that Bob fell down because of pain.
But Bob's inability to play and remember the words to song lyrics ala Jerry Garcia would indicate that Bob was on TOO MANY PAINKILLERS and/or drunk.
The fact that no one in the band stopped when Bob fell would indicate the band knew what was going on before it even happened.
After he fell, two Roadies came to his rescue and lifted him up and put him in a fold out chair, where Bob sat slumped over for the rest of the song. After the song the band left the stage then returned without Bob.
Now you'll never convince me that Bob fell down and performed the way he did because his shoulder hurt. Its nice too see that since Jerry has died, the band members have gotten good PR people to make up bullshit stories the way other celebrities do.
Bob was clearly under the influence of something. Painkillers is the popular vote.
But my point is that Bob didn't collapse; Bob fell.
But a headline that reads, "BOB WEIR FALLS ONSTAGE" doesn't sound as dramatic and we all know that.
In this photo Bob's quasi-retarded body language indicates someone who is HIGH. Watch the video and see this footage play out. Bob doesn't seem hurt, he seems HIGH.
Hope your "shoulder" heals fast Bob......
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