Women have it, Men deal with it. Its known as the FUPA.
F. fucked
U. up
P. pussy
A. Area
Its that blog of flab below the stomach and above the vag that women try to tuck under their belts.
Usually this scientific oddity is a result of pregancy or too many Whoppers while watching Oprah.
This is a photo of me and my girlfriend Blair. She had an enormous FUPA.
The thing I like most about the FUPA is that when I'm having sex I am like a cat and I knead my hands in the "dough" while thrusting. I like to grab it and pull it and sometimes take bites out of it.
Sometimes I will grab onto the FUPA with both hands and use it as a way to pull myself into the woman, gaining thrusting momentum.
This woman has something called a FUBA......or Fucked Up Bloated Ass
This is just deranged. This woman had to have known at some point that Dorito's and Ice Cream Sandwiches are not major food groups.
OMG What the FUCK!!!!!!!!
America, we have a new enemy. Its the FUPA. 56% of all American Women own a FUPA.
I am starting a movement to end all FUPA's. Ban the FUPA!!!!!
Why does GOD harm us? Is he angry? Is he vengeful?
F.U.P.A in the USA.
F.U.P.A. in the USA.
Come on John Mellencamp sing that shit!!!!!!
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